Kayla Hollifield
HD 11
Georgia WIN List is proud to endorse Kayla Hollifield for House District 11.
Born and raised in Pickens county, Kayla went to Gainesville State College at the age of eighteen, majoring in Sociology. She moved into her first home and had her daughter (Dolly) at the age of 20. After the birth of her daughter, there was no going back on her dreams.
Kayla went on to attend Chattahoochee Technical College for 2 more years while still working and raising a family. Since becoming a mother, Kayla has been even more motivated to fight for the homeless, elderly, and disabled (as well as individuals who have fallen prey to the powers of illegal drugs, the children of incarcerated individuals, mentally ill/disabled individuals and particularly those in public school classrooms). As your state representative, Kayla will focus on ensuring that all people have access to public assistance when it is really needed.
The Issues that matter to Kayla…
As a voice in the State House, Kayla will be working to improve: Freedom, Opportunity and Security
- Economic Growth: Particularly supporting entrepreneurs in North Georgia who will create good-paying jobs.
- Diversity: Creating a local environment in which different kinds of people are accepted and encouraged.
- Free Healthcare for ALL: Healthcare is a major concern for everybody,- social security, medicaid and medicare – especially now with COVID-I9 causing havoc, I will do my best to support any legislation introduced in the House that would help to make health care FREE to everyone.
- Term Limits: We do not need a way where a leader can effectively become A “Representative~ for life”. Term limits provide a mechanism for holding leaders accountable. It reduces the tendency toward corruption by insuring political turnover and give new generations the opportunity to compete for political office.
- Protecting Our Environment: Coal, ash and other toxins are being dumped into our waterways. Farmers no longer have to wash their produce in clean water and food-borne illness has increased since the repeal of meat inspection rules. The Department of Agriculture took down the section on their website where the figures could be seen by the public.
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