2016 Endorsed Candidates

Our Mission is to Protect Currently Endorsed Incumbents and To Elect New Women

Of the 30 women currently serving in the General Assembly who are endorsed by Georgia’s WIN List, 11 faced Primary or General Election challenges. The experiences of these women and their records for protecting choice and voting for progressive policies which improve the lives of women and their families deserve our continuing support.

Five currently serving endorsed women defeated Primary challengers:

SD 35 – Senator Donzella James

HD 86 – Rep. Michele Henson

HD 55 – Rep. “Able” Mable Thomas

HD 113 – Rep. Pam Dickerson

HD 82 – Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver

Six women earned our endorsement and support as they faced General Election challenges:

SD 38 – Senator Horacena Tate

HD 42 – Rep. Stacey Evans

SD 42 – Senator Elena Parent

HD 60 – Rep. Keisha Waites

SD 55 – Senator Gloria Butler

HD 66 – Rep. Kimberly Alexander

Georgia’s WIN List also proudly endorsed two new women for the 2016 General election.

HD 58 – Park Cannon

HD 99 – Brenda Lopez

Want to be a part of Georgia’s history and continue to elect more Democratic women?

Make your donation today!


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Endorsed Women

Currently Serving Endorsed Women

Women Trained

20 Years of Electing Women in Georgia

Contact Us

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(470) 228-0440
Georgia WIN List
1579 Monroe Dr. – Suite F – 428
Atlanta, GA 30324