2018 Endorsed Candidates

Georgia’s WIN List endorsed 36 candidates for the 2018 Midterm Elections in November. Our roster of endorsed women broke records in numbers, diversity and the quality of candidate resumes and life experiences.

To help elect these women WIN, we tripled the budgets of past years. WINning requires hard work and energy, but these campaigns required a great deal of money and support. With the help of our WIN community, we helped give these 36 women an advantage over their Republican opponents with over $100,000 in endorsement checks. Our supporters made that possible.


Governor – Stacey Abrams

Public Service Commissioner D3 – Lindy Miller

Lieutenant Governor – Sarah Riggs Amico

Public Service Commissioner D5 – Dawn Randolph

Insurance Commissioner – Janice Laws


SD 1 – Sandra Workman

SD 32 – Christine Triebsch

SD 47 – Dawn Johnson

SD 6 – Senator Jen Jordan

SD 40 – Sally Harrell

SD 48 – Zahra Karinshak

SD 17 – Phyllis Hatcher

SD 46 – Marisue Hilliard

SD 56 – Ellyn Jeager


HD 36 – Jen Slipakoff

HD 45 – Essence Johnson

HD 50 – Angelika Kausche

HD 60 – Rep. Kim Schofield

HD 105 – Donna McLeod

HD 109 – Regina Lewis-Ward

HD 151 – Joyce Barlow

HD 175 – Treva Gear

HD 37 – Mary Frances Williams

HD 46 – Karín Sandiford

HD 52 – Shea Roberts

HD 95 – Beth Moore

HD 107 – Shelly Hutchinson

HD 117 – Rep. Deborah Gonzalez

HD 153 – CaMia Hopson

HD 179 – Julie Jordan

HD 43 – Luisa Wakeman

HD 48 – Mary Robichaux

HD 54 – Betsy Holland

HD 97 – Aisha Yaqoob

HD 108 – Jasmine Clark

HD 144 – Jessica Walden

HD 173 – Twitty Titus

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20 Years of Electing Women in Georgia

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(470) 228-0440
Georgia WIN List
1579 Monroe Dr. – Suite F – 428
Atlanta, GA 30324