The ACLU Press Release about Judge McBurney’s Order includes the following statements:

Andrea Young

Executive Director of ACLU of Georgia

“Today’s ruling recognizes that the legislature’s decision to take away abortion access across our state was in clear violation of the law,” said . “Today is a great day for Georgia women and for all Georgians. Today their right to make decisions for their own bodies, health, and families is vindicated. We hope that the Georgia Supreme Court affirms that right, and in doing so affirms the long-standing Georgia rule that the legislature cannot pass laws that disregard our constitutional protections.”


Monica Simpson

Executive Director of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

“After a long road, we are finally able to celebrate the end of an extreme abortion ban in our state,” said Monica Simpson, Executive Director of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, the lead plaintiff in the case. “While we applaud the end of a ban steeped in white supremacy, it should not have existed in the first place. Now, it’s time to move forward with a vision for Georgia that establishes full bodily autonomy and liberation for our communities. We will continue to work towards a Georgia in which everyone—including Black women and Queer, trans, and low-income people—has the freedom to decide to have children, to not have children, and to raise the families they have in thriving communities. We will have to keep fighting in Georgia to hold our legislators accountable, but this ruling proves we have the power to keep winning.”

Kwajelyn Jackson

Executive Director of Feminist Women’s Health Center

“Today’s ruling is an enormous victory for our patients and our state,” said Kwajelyn Jackson, executive director of Feminist Women’s Health Center. “Our mission for the last nearly 50 years has been to provide our patients with access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including abortion. With today’s victory under our belts, we will be able to finally resume providing this essential health care to our community.”

Julia Kaye

Staff Attorney with the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project

“Today’s ruling is a sigh of relief for Georgians who have suffered the severe consequences of Gov. Kemp’s ban on abortion from the earliest weeks of pregnancy, which is causing particular harm among Black and low-income communities,” said Julia Kaye, staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union’s Reproductive Freedom Project. “For months, countless Georgians have faced a nightmarish choice: suffer the medical risks of pregnancy and life-altering consequences of childbirth against their will, or else flee thousands of miles out of state in search of time-sensitive health care. And when politicians criminalize health care, the result is that doctors across Georgia fear that providing medically appropriate care for a pregnancy complication will land them in prison. Today’s decision was a victory for justice, compassion, and medicine, but we know Gov. Kemp will keep trying to put his cruel ban back into effect. We won’t stop fighting until every person has the power to decide if and when to have a child, in Georgia and across this country.”

Alexis McGill Johnson

President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America

“We celebrate this victory in Georgia that restores the right to abortion and reproductive freedom,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.For months, Georgians have suffered the consequences of a cruel abortion ban. Today’s ruling means that patients will no longer be deprived of their autonomy and forced to be pregnant longer than they want to be. While we are grateful to once again be able to provide care in the state of Georgia, the fight for reproductive freedom continues across the country. We will continue to fight so that every person in Georgia and beyond is able to receive the care they deserve without fear of prosecution or harm.”


Amy Kennedy

Vice President of External Affairs at Planned Parenthood Southeast

“Thankfully, today’s ruling offers relief from our state’s devastating abortion ban, but make no mistake: the threat to Georgians’ health and rights will remain so long as politicians try to interfere with our personal decisions,” said Amy Kennedy, vice president of external affairs at Planned Parenthood Southeast. “We already know that abortion opponents will stop at nothing until abortion has been completely outlawed. This is a critical step in the long fight for reproductive freedom. We are prepared to do everything we can to ensure abortion care is available and accessible to everyone in Georgia.”


Autumn Katz

Interim Director of Litigation at the Center for Reproductive Rights

“This is a welcome reprieve to the people of Georgia, who have been suffering under this extreme abortion ban for months,” said Autumn Katz, Interim Director of Litigation at the Center for Reproductive Rights. “As we saw in the midterms, most Americans do not want politicians dictating their reproductive choices. Everyone deserves the fundamental right to make decisions about their own bodies, families, and futures. We will continue to fight tooth and nail for Georgians and people across the country.”

The lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Georgia, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and Georgia-based law firms Caplan Cobb and Bondurant Mixson & Elmore on behalf of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, Feminist Women’s Health Center, Planned Parenthood Southeast, Inc., Atlanta Comprehensive Wellness Clinic, Atlanta Women’s Medical Center, FemHealth USA d/b/a carafem, Summit Medical Associates, P.C., Carrie Cwiak, M.D., M.P.H., Lisa Haddad, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., Eva Lathrop, M.D., M.P.H., and Medical Students for Choice.