A mother of two, Teri Anulewicz had served a decade on the Smyrna City Council, including a term as Mayor Pro Tem, before she won a 2017 special election without opposition to serve as the local state representative since.

“When I ran unopposed in the 2017 special election cycle while other races were crowded with candidates, a few people told me I was ‘lucky,’ but the reality is that luck had very little to do with my lack of opposition. I spent nearly a decade representing my community with transparent and accessible leadership, and that track record of hard work on behalf of Smyrna was key to my success in that 2017 special election. Plus, when I was elected to the Georgia House, it was with the benefit of already having relationships with my colleagues in the Cobb delegation through my prior years of communication and policy collaboration with them.” Rep. Anulewicz said.

In a historical first, she first qualified for the House seat with no opponent because constituents in the district felt such high regard for her prior service.

Her campaign platform has defined her legislative service: strengthening public schools, ensuring continued economic growth, supporting vibrant and stable neighborhoods, and cultivating a climate for ongoing fiscal strength for all residents, families, and businesses in the district. She remains a strong advocate for responsive, accessible, and transparent leadership.

She is Chair of the Cobb County Legislative Delegation. She is the Co-chair of the Georgia Japan Caucus which works to strengthen relationships with Georgia’s largest trading partner and also served as secretary of the Creative Arts & Entertainment Committee. Other House committee assignments include Appropriations, Code Revision, Public Health, Transportation, and Governmental Affairs. Read more in her bio here. 

Qualifying for the 2024 legislative election cycle is just 10 months away. Already WIN List is meeting with and encouraging candidates who are considering a run against Republican incumbents for FLIPable seats in 2024. Your generous support now helps us continue these efforts to recruit, train, elect and re-elect women to legislative seats and statewide office who are committed to reproductive freedom and equality for Georgia women. Please join us with your gift or monthly commitment today!