Limited Edition 2024 Georgia WIN List T-Shirt

Soft blue cotton fabric with a wave of women taking over the capital. The back of the shirt lists all of the 2024 endorsed candidates and their districts.

Photo credit: Erik Voss

Electing WINning Women in Georgia Since 2000

Georgia WIN List is a grassroots Political Action Committee (PAC) dedicated to changing the face of power in Georgia by recruiting, training, supporting, electing and re-electing Democratic women for statewide and legislative office who will be effective advocates for the issues most important to women and families, including the preservation of reproductive freedom. Since 2000, we have helped elect and re-elect more than 90 endorsed women, with a record setting 49 of them currently serving – 12 in the Senate and 37 in the House. We have trained more than 2,200 women to run for office over the years.

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In Memoriam for Rosalynn Carter – Nov 20, 2023

Tributes for Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter include several from currently serving Georgia WIN List endorsed legislators who have known her for decades and interacted with her over the years as they worked together as advocates for Mental Health and other projects...

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Responses to GA Supreme Court Decision

More recent statements on Georgia Supreme Court decision from Georgia WIN List endorsed elected women. SD 39 Senator Sonya Halpern I am so disappointed by the Georgia Supreme Court’s ruling. There are so many reasons why a woman and her partner may choose abortion and...

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Interview with Senate Minority Leader Gloria Butler

Interview with Senate Minority Leader Gloria Butler

Senator Butler, as Senate Minority Leader, you are the most senior voice for Democrats in the Georgia General Assembly. Democrats have been out of power for more than two decades. When do you see the tide turning?  I see the tide turning every day. Georgia has already...

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Public Schools Face Grave Challenges

Public Schools Face Grave Challenges

An Op-Ed Written by State Representative Lisa Campbell America’s founders advocated for the creation of public education from the earliest days, even as our Constitution was being written. President George Washington, in his Farewell Address of 1796, shared that...

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24 Years of Electing Women in Georgia

Endorsed Women

Currently Serving Endorsed Women

Women Trained

Contact Us

13 + 5 =

(470) 228-0440
Georgia WIN List
1579 Monroe Dr. – Suite F – 428
Atlanta, GA 30324