Georgia’s WIN List proudly endorses Twitty Titus for Georgia’s House District 173. This district includes Bainbridge, Cairo and Thomasville and is currently represented by Republican Darlene Taylor, who has served for four terms.

Twitty’s father once represented the district for 10 years as a much-respected conservationist on the Republican side of the aisle. She credits her father for teaching her the virtues of humility, stewardship, and belief in oneself.

Public service is a deep-rooted family tradition as Twitty’s great-great-grandfather, Judge H.W. Hopkins, was one of Thomasville’s earliest promoters, leading to the area becoming known as a health resort, a rich hunting ground, and a winter paradise for wealthy Northerners who brought spending money with them as they began to congregate and build hunting plantations in the area.

Here are policies Twitty pledges to promote if elected:

  • A REGIONAL VISION: Twitty believes our state is at a crossroads and believes rural Georgia will continue to experience economic decline and population loss unless a new course is adopted. She hopes to work toward establishing a regional vision which focuses on bringing existing institutions together to promote the talent, resources, and quality of life rural Georgia provides. “The goal is intelligently managed growth,” she said.
  • GREEN ENERGY: Like her father, Twitty is a conservationist who believes green energy and energy efficiency can help residents save money on their bills and reduce their carbon footprint. With the solar energy industry expanding, it opens up new job opportunities. Twitty will also work to provide equal access to high-speed internet for all citizens.
  • A LIVING WAGE: To challenge the region’s poverty, Twitty will work to increase the minimum wage. Twitty says, “Working families shouldn’t have to choose between buying food and paying the utility bill.”
  • JOBS: Twitty’s top priority is to attract businesses and industries that are ‘job producing’. She believes that new entrepreneurs need a space to try out their ideas and creating business incubators and worker spaces can give them a nudge to start that process.
  • AGRICULTURE: Twitty wants to make sure the voice of farmers is heard at the Capitol. She wants to support and protect family and corporate farmers from unexpected price shifts and loss of trading partners. Twitty believes that to expand productivity, farmers must have access to high-speed internet and support for farm technology and 21st-century data management.
  • AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Twitty wants to encourage the state to build affordable housing. She believes it is important to look at options for single-family homes on sizable lots which cost less including homes and complexes with multiple families. Twitty says, “Our developments need to reflect changing needs and lifestyles.”

Twitty Titus for GA House District 173

Courageous women like Twitty have stepped up to run all across the state of Georgia to challenge long-term GOP incumbents. With Twitty’s deep ties to the area, she feels compelled to fight for the citizens of HD 173 and continue her family’s legacy of servant leadership. Twitty and the other 35 WIN Endorsed women are ready to put it all on the table over the next few weeks before November. Please join us in our efforts to help get Twitty and women all across Georgia elected. Our women candidates are the visionary leaders, much like Twitty’s great-grandfather, Georgia needs.

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